Begawan began its regenerative farming initiative on half a hectare in Bayad Village in 2022. Today several farmers have joined our program, and are cultivating Mansur Heritage Rice using 100% chemical-free practices. Begawan Giri supplies farmers with training, materials, and facilities, and guarantees a stable income for farmers by buying each harvest at premium prices.

Begawan Giri Logo
A farmer planting rice seedlings in a flooded paddy field, showcasing the Begawan Organisation's soil restoration practices.

Soil restoration

Revives the ecosystem through natural practices

A farmer harvesting rice, showcasing the Begawan Organisation's commitment to supporting local farmers.

Higher incomes

Create incentive for farmers to continue farming

A photo of harvested rice grains, symbolizing the Begawan's efforts to ensure fair compensation for farmers.

Market linkage

Opens access to higher paying markets for rice

A farmer working in a rice field, highlighting the Begawan Foundation's efforts to improve farmers' livelihoods.

Community education

Raises awareness for the importance of agriculture

A photo of the Begawan Giri farm, highlighting the beautiful scenery and the positive impact of regenerative farming practices.

Building the Begawan Giri farm in Bayad, Bali

The farm at Begawan Giri has expanded organically, and a number of local farmers have chosen to join the program and return to natural rice cultivation. Begawan implements a range of regenerative solutions that together are restoring the ecosystem in Bayad Village.

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Begawan’s farming initiative created a market for Mansur Rice, a heritage grain from Bali that had almost become extinct. The farmers in the program all remark on the return of wildlife to their fields, and some have been able to double their income while restoring the ecosystem and retaining ownership of their land. Begawan’s farm is a model for visitors and the community to learn about regenerative agriculture.

An illustration of a traditional Balinese village, showcasing the picturesque scenery and natural beauty of Bali.

I Made Murti

I Nyoman Wartawa

I Made Neraka

I Wayan Jagranata

I Nyoman Sukada


Join us in our work to support Bali’s rice farmers and protect the environment.

Begawan sells Mansur Heritage Rice directly harvested from local farmers in our village to hotels, resorts, and restaurants in Bali, as well as to individual buyers. Contact us or visit our farm on a tour to see exactly how Begawan’s rice is grown.

Order Mansur rice

Buy naturally grown Mansur Heritage Rice directly harvested from local farmers in Bayad.


Book a tour

Sign up for a half-day conservation and farming tour with lunch at Begawan Biji.